When a baby dreams


When a new baby enters a family, the new mom can be very overwhelmed – so much to learn and know and do for this little one.

That’s what makes Adele Enersen’s new book about her new baby all the more amazing. “When My Baby Dreams” is a photographic masterpiece from the brilliant mind of this new mother.  When her baby Mila was born, Ms. Enersen started a blog of whimsical photos to share with her family and friends. The creative genius that went into creating the photographs resulted in a blog that was visited by millions of admirers around the world.

The author dresses her baby in colorful clothing (before she puts her down for her nap, of course), and then positions her in a wonderful world of textures and toys and household objects all arranged to create a theme.  It is fanciful, whimsical and perfectly precious!

This book would make a perfect baby shower gift






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The Art of Children’s Books


What’s in a Name?


Isaiass August 15 2012

- It took me a moment to rzilaee that this was really our Olive!!! This photo looks like something that would hang up in an art gallery in New York. Awesome photo, and of course, beautiful baby!!!

Jessica August 1 2012

Myself and Josh always wondreed why you never saw baby pigeons in the street. The past few weeks in Manchester have been a real eye-opener, first we found out from a story in Metro that you never see baby Pigeons because they stay in the nest until adulthood and now we know what they look like!Manchester is a haven of Pigeon-based knowledge